The most animated attractions for 2012 Merry Christmas in Hanoi

Published:  02:13 Thursday - December 20, 2012

The most animated attractions for 2012 Merry Christmas in Hanoi

In spite of having no animated Dao hamlet (Ho Chi Minh city), Hanoi people (even if following a religion or not) still consider Merry Christmas as an occasion to take a rest, get the family together and have peaceful moments in soul. If you would like to experience Christmas atmosphere in Hanoi, here are some of great locations:

1. Hang Ma and Luong Van Can Street

Christmas is coming soon in two of the busiest malls in Hanoi. In these days, many young people come here to buy Christmas decorations and take some beautiful photos for keeping memories.

2. Hanoi Cathedral

Annually, on Christmas Eve, many people come here in the nightfall. Therefore, if you want to get a good place, you should go there very soon. Being the centre of catholic activities in Hanoi and surrounding areas, Hanoi Cathedral is always the most splendid.

The pine trees that are decorated sophisticatedly are put in front of the church, and caves are also decorated with colorful lights, which make it more sparkling than ever before. Some young people said that when you lost in this “maze”, it is very hard for you to go out because it is too crowded. After a happy Christmas night, you can enjoy delicious food in the nearby streets like Au Trieu, Ly Quoc Su Street, Nha Tho Street, Nha Chung…

3. Ham Long church – the most beautiful church in Hanoi

Ham Long church has two fronts overlooking Ham Long Street and Ngo Thi Nham Street. It is considered as one of the most beautiful church in Hanoi. On Christmas season, the flow of people flocks to go to Ham Long church and some young couples celebrate their Christmas in front of church porch with romantic candles. With the beautiful architecture and sophisticated decoration, this church is always an ideal destination for young people on Christmas season.

4. Hoan Kiem lake sparkling in Christmas

Hoan kiem Lake is inherently beautiful, but on Christmast Eve, it becomes much more sparkling and mysterious when the twinkling lights are decorated everywhere. You can feel the Christmas atmosphere in a small corner at “Pho Co café” on Hang Gai Street, and have a cup of egg coffee that is a typical drink in Hanoi.

5.Other cathedrals

Cua Bac Church (56 Phan Dinh Phung Street, Ba Dinh District)

Thinh Liet Cathedral (Giap Bat Lane)

Phung Khoang Church (Thanh Xuan District)

Sainte Marie Church (37 Hai Ba Trung)

Hang Bot Church (162 Ton Duc Thang)

Nam Dong Church (178 Nguyen Luong Bang) ... is also an ideal destination for the coming Christmas.


By Nguyen Hao 

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