The ancient Tien Chau Pagoda

Published:  10:38 Tuesday - January 03, 2012 Tien Chau pagoda is the most ancient pagoda in Vinh Long province. There are many spiritual values as well as physical values. Tien Chau pagoda was officially recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a national art and architecture heritage on December 12, 1994.

This name Tien Chau Tu (Tien Chau Temple) was officially accepted then. The present Tien Chau Temple is of the same size as that of 1899. Di Da Tu is an old temple and Bai Tien (the Fairy Beach) is a scenery spot so this place of interest has attracted lots of tourists. This Tien Chau Temple was officially recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a national art and architecture heritage on December 12, 1994.


Presently Tien Chau pagoda still kept the size of this pagoda in year (1889), include four roof top: forecourt, adytum, central palace, and backstage. Some areas that just tell defer to the four highest ranking court officials type, enlarged according to vertical and horizontal type owing to the plate rib and the hook rib. The frame set that made of valuable wooden, female and male tiling, around to build partitions.


An adytum Tien Chau pagoda decorated finely. In the center of the four highest-ranking is a worship plaque, there is a big statue Di Đa Buddhist by clay inside. Both parties is a worship plaque of Gia Lam god, Đat Ma Buddhist initiator, Minh Vuong the ten great halls Buddhist, the God jade emperor, the constellation in the northern hemisphere, the Great Bear, the jizo, the Buddhist Fiducial, the giant, the Tiêu dien academician. At present the pagoda gate and the front of architecture is build from 1961 to 1963.

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